Most Influential Offshore Men?


New member
Sep 21, 2004
I copied this from another site and found it interesting and in some cases bizzare. I have looked at some of the names on here and scratch my head. JJGOLD? This guy is a nut poster that once in a while nails something right and he thinks he is a God. Yeh the guy has a big following but I do not think he belongs on list.

SBR? A site woner and too new to be on list. Some nice stuff on site but that is all.

Shrink should be 3 or 4 as he has been around forever.

I think Billy Scott and Carib Sports should be on list as they were crucial to offshore gambling.

Oddessa does belong on there as he became pioneer linesmaker for offshore boxing lines and UFC numbers. All the books now copy his lines.

The rest of the list is pretty solid I think

Any thoughts?

1. Don Best - Where it all Begins and Ends. They deliver numbers to all the books and have created the "Clone" book single handedly , If DB went down for 2 weeks , Rookie Bookies would be panicking in a big way. The day to day action of every book is directly influenced by DB , and the Rotation is now the "Bible" of the industry.

2. LVSC/ The other Vegas guy ( I forget his name for the life of me , someone will know it off the bat ) Have to include him because he is putting up orginal overnight numbers which is usually the opening line most books use.

3. BW - You don't know what Initials those are , wrong forum Pal. Him and his "People" still have a HUGE impact on the numbers and where the action is going

4. Spiro/Cris/Pinnacle - The most respected Bookmakers in the Biz at their respective shops. The take MASSIVE action on Openers and don't chase you away if you win big. They will around til they Decide They want to retire , not us.

5. The Shrink - Pioneer in the advertising/forum of these. Brought many a book to Stardom and a few to shame. The Busiest gambling forum on the Net with Loads of Hits everyday.

6. JJGOLD ??? This may seem Bizarre to some , but he is by FAR the most dominating , relentless poster in the world and believe or not directly influences Books by simply posting his thoughts. Is everything he says correct ? , credible ? perhaps not , but does have an innate feel for bad books and scammers and his huge following of posters can only help his cause. Its funny how Forum owners and Sportsbooks are afraid of this guy not wanting to get on his bad side. I had to include him because of what the other sportsbooks owners tell me about him.

7. SBR - A growing site in which he rates sportsbooks , his style is unique. and for the most part its a non advertising site , therefore no bias. Many potential bettors go there to look at the upgrades books have to offer and sometimes the downgrades too.

8. Oddessa/Joey Bagels - Oddessa - A guy who is making a name for himself in the boxing arena the hardway by handicapping every fight personally. The sport has been dead as far as online betting is concerned until he started being the main numbers guy that distributes lines to major books like the Greek. Boxing now is a big time betting venue thanks to him and his wide array of numbers on events is amazing and the accuracy is something special, and how the other books seemlessly continue to copy his numbers is uncanny.

9. Peep - Longtime poster/forum owner that has a non bias opinon on sportsbook and has had a solid following throughout the years. Think of Peep , you think of offshore gambling.

10. The Major - Long time Advertising forum owner where books advertise to try and grasp potential clients , He has a very popular website with Lots of traffic daily and definately has an influence on the offshore world.

Thats my list , may have left a few potetial canditates out , and if I did , drop their names and their claims ....

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